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We are a non-governmental organization based in Skopje, Macedonia, providing music education to Roma youth and children from economically disadvantaged families. We strive to increase multiethnic tolerance and reduce discrimination through music programming and performance. (We also really love rock music!)

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Lignes de ramassage qui fonctionnent réellement sur femmes

Women display The Pickup Lines that Convinced these à rest With Dudes Quand de devenir génial avec mots, il y en a beaucoup clair avantages. Vous savez quoi dire pendant tight situations, et comment tourner discussions autour de chaque fois choses commencer à être maladroit. Vous êtes un maître dans choisir amusants tweets, ainsi que […]

Exactly how gay males justify their own racism on Grindr | the metropolitan Dater

On homosexual relationship apps like Grindr, lots of users have pages that have words like “I don’t date Ebony men,” or that claim these are typically “not keen on Latinos.” In other cases they will record races acceptable in their mind: “White/Asian/Latino only.” This language is really pervading regarding application that sites instance Douchebags of […]

The Bisexual Grad Beginner Laughing at Fifty Shades of Grey

Pic: Common Photos New York ‘s Intercourse Diaries series requires anonymous urban area dwellers to tape weekly within gender life — with comical, tragic, typically gorgeous, and constantly revealing outcomes. Check always straight back Tuesday to suit your regular peek behind doorways remaining somewhat ajar. Recently, a grad pupil in a nonmonogamous, long-term connection: female, […]

Get started with sugar daddy chat today

Get started with sugar daddy chat today If you are considering ways to find a sugar daddy, or to start a sugar daddy chat conversation, you then’ve arrive at the proper place. by using our website, you can begin meeting new people and checking out your dating options very quickly at all. very first things […]

Discover WhyThere Is Absolutely Nothing Free About

See Just How The Fraud Performs Overview Now we are examining an internet site labeled as The intention of this analysis is always to explain exactly why this website isn’t an actual dating site locate actual visit of local mature here getting relaxed hookups. The Way The Deception Performs is used to funnel-web […]

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Отворен повик за учесници на работилници за превенција на насилство преку музика

Roma Rock School распишува отворен повик за учесници на бесплатни работилници во рамки на проектот Превенција на насилство поттикнато од етничка нетолеранција со помош на музика финансиран од UNDP. Работилниците се предвидени за млади од 14 до 25 години и целта е стекнување на музички, но и демократски и мултикултурални вештини. Работилниците се држат во простории опремени […]

Отворен повик за фасилитатори

Roma Rock School е во потрага по фасилитатор на работилници во рамки на проектот Превенција на насилство поттикнато од етничка нетолеранција со помош на музика финансиран од UNDP.  Работилниците се предвидени да траат 8 месеци, а кандидатот треба да ги исполнува следните услови: Искуство во работа со млади од ранливи категории Искуство во работа со […]

October Training Week

This year October Training Week was held in Skopje. From October 9 to 15, songwriting and band coaching workshops were held. The songwriting workshops were run by Rokacademie students from the Netherlands. The students with their enthusiasm and incredibly good approach to the students encouraged them to approach the songwriting process openly. Many new lyrics […]

Summer Concert 2023

On August 26, the long-awaited summer concert took place at the Havana Summer Club. Over 60 young musicians showcased their talent on stage at the Havana Summer Club. During the summer school, 10 bands were formed by old and new students from Roma Rock School and our long-time partners Mitrovica Rock School. The new material […]

What were we doing during Summer School 2023

The long-awaited summer school 2023 in Skopje is unfortunately coming to an end. Under the mentorship of professors from Fonti Rock Academy, Mitrovica Rock School and Roma Rock School, the students tirelessly practiced for hours, created new melodies, wrote lyrics and finally put it all together to send their message to the world. We also […]

Summer School Skopje 2023

The time has come for the well-known summer school organized in Skopje. Slowly, all the activities are being prepared. August 21-27, young people from Macedonia, Kosovo and the Netherlands will join forces to create magic that will touch all of you. New students, new bands, new songs and a lot of fun is what we […]

Cultural exchange in Berlin 2023

Students from Roma Rock School, Mitrovica Rock School, and Fontys Rockacademie have came together in Berlin for an exciting week of music and fun! . During the week, Rockacademie students were serving as dedicated band coaches, guiding and supporting their fellow musicians. . The cultural exchange was facilitated by Clash Exchange & Learning and provided an […]

Training week at Fontys Rockacademie

Did you know that nearly all our projects center around training? Since we work with highly skilled musicians in our program countries, most training focuses on how musicians can use their skills for social change. . From 8th till 12th of May, teachers and student-trainees from Roma Rock School together with our partners Mitrovica Rock School attended […]

Balkan Trafik Festival 2023

“Roma Rock School welcomes young Roma musicians through its doors. The rockers merge alternative music with traditional Roma melodies to create Roma rock songs. Their common goal: to rock out and play loud!” This was the caption for Roma Rock School on portals in Belgium this weekend. We are honored and pleased to say that […]

Roma Rock School rocked in Bosnia

Thanks to our project Music Connects we created new musical connections across borders. This time we were guests in Ex Yu Rock Center in Sarajevo. Watch the video of our band Right Turn! A short interview follows after the performance!  


Roma Rock School објавува Повик за аудиција за гитара, бас гитара и тапани! На повикот можат да се пријават сите млади на возраст од 17 до 22 години кои сакаат да свират во бенд. Претходно искуство со свирење во бенд не е задолжително. Пријавувањето трае од 7 до 15 март 2023 година. Пополнете пријава тука. Аудицијата […]


Roma Rock School објавува Повик за аудиција за вокали за пеење во бенд. На повикот можат да се пријават сите младинци (момчиња и девојчиња) на возраст од 10 – 20 години кои сакаат да пејат. Претходно искуство и часови по пеење не се задолжителни. Пријавувањето трае од 10 до 20 февруари 2023 година. Пополнете пријава тука. […]


The band Aerial Ace release a music video for their song They don’t care. This is the first band from Roma Rock School that has made an official video. The band Aerial Ace is a band from Roma Rock School that was composed this year in April as part of the project “Music against discrimination and stereotyping […]

Roma Rock School as part of the international conference “The interplay between child wellbeing and academic attainment”

The executive director of Roma Rock School, Alvin Salimovski, had the honor to be panelist on the panel discussion: “How should schools evolve and support student wellbeing?” on the international conference “The interplay between child wellbeing and academic attainment” held on the 9th and 10th of March, 2022 in Hotel Aleksandar Palace in Skopje. One […]


Roma Rock School објавува Повик за аудиција за формирање на нов бенд! На повикот имаат можност да се пријават сите младинци (момчиња и девојчиња) на возраст од 10 – 20 години. Пријавувањето трае од 7 – 18 март 2022 година. Пополнете пријава тука. За формирање на бендот ни се потребни следниве инструменти: – гитара – […]

Успешно завршен проект: „Музиката како алатка за општествени промени“ финансиран од Амбасада на Република Чешка

Главната цел на проектот беше зголемување на инклузијата на деца Роми и деца од ранливи категории преку спроведување на бесплатни часови по музика. Амбасадата на Република Чешка преку овој проект ја поддржува општата цел на организацијата Рома Рок Скул за овозможување бесплатно музичко образование на талентирани деца Роми и не Роми. Учениците со овој проект […]

GlobalGiving Welcomes 108 New Partners to the GlobalGiving Community

Washington, DC, May 19, 2021 – GlobalGiving announced today that 108 new nonprofit organizations have joined the GlobalGiving marketplace. Each of the organizations has participated in GlobalGiving’s Accelerator, a virtual training program and crowdfunding campaign that helps nonprofits take their online fundraising to the next level. They’ve each also met GlobalGiving’s rigorous vetting standards for […]

Association for Multi-Ethnic Music Education “Roma Rock School” Succeeds in GlobalGiving’s Accelerator, Becomes Recognized Partner of GlobalGiving

Association for Multi-Ethnic Music Education “Roma Rock School” announced that they have graduated from the GlobalGiving Accelerator program, gaining entry into the GlobalGiving marketplace and becoming a recognized partner of GlobalGiving. As part of the Accelerator, Association for Multi-Ethnic Music Education “Roma Rock School” successfully raised $12,025 from 106 unique individual donors to support their […]

Global Giving Campaign

Roma Rock School was selected to participate in the world’s largest online crowdfunding platform for nonprofits causes – Global Giving. The campaign lasts 18 days (from April 5th – 23rd) we are challenged to raise $5,000 from at least 40 donors who would donate online, so we can become a permanent GlobalGiving partner.  The money […]

Support free music education of Roma youth

Roma Rock School provides totally free music education based on donations and funding to Roma youth and children from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds. By supporting us you also support multi-ethnic tolerance and reduce discrimination through the music.

New song released: Kamen vo dlaboko more

The song “Kamen vo dlaboko more” was created 20 years ago, in 2000, but it was never recorded. Thanks to our students from Roma Rock School – Skopje and Roma Rock School – Kriva Palanka we finally published our first song in Macedonian language and created a mixed band from both schools. During the pandemic, […]

Spreading the family!

We are encouraging everybody who wants to learn to play an instrument or sing, to join our musical family! At the moment we provide seven classes, including: guitar, bass guitar, piano, vocals, solfege and theory of music, drums and percussion and rhythm, and all that free of charge! You can contact us on any social […]

Kriva Palanka rocks!

In 2017, we planted a small seed which flourished into a beautiful garden. Since then, Roma Rock School is “growing” future musicians, with our free music lessons for various instruments, taught by local music professionals. Young kids, especially nowadays, are eager to learn, and we are happy to give them the opportunity to find their […]


Covid-19 didn’t stop us from creating music! Here is our new video!

Since March 2020, after this pandemic with the Covid-19 started, Roma Rock School’s activities such as classes, trainings, gigs and concerts have been canceled or postponed. Fortunately, our staff and students adapted very quickly to this new situation. Despite the situation, together we found a new way to spread positive energy and maintain our free […]

Rock out from your room!

While the current situation with the Corona virus is getting more bizarre, the Government of Republic of North Macedonia, introduced new safety measurements for the public, in the name of public health. Now, when the schools are closed, students are staying at home and the regular curriculum is stopped from being accomplished. In these abnormal […]

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