What were we doing during Summer School 2023

The long-awaited summer school 2023 in Skopje is unfortunately coming to an end. Under the mentorship of professors from Fonti Rock Academy, Mitrovica Rock School and Roma Rock School, the students tirelessly practiced for hours, created new melodies, wrote lyrics and finally put it all together to send their message to the world. We also spent many hours in the studio, where the new songs were recorded and the bands sounded like real professional world famous bands. We spent 5 days filled with fun, laughter, socializing and long rehearsals during which we prepared new material that will be presented at the summer concert on August 26 at Havana Summer Club in Skopje.

This is part of the atmosphere during the Summer School.

Summer School Skopje 2023

The time has come for the well-known summer school organized in Skopje. Slowly, all the activities are being prepared.
August 21-27, young people from Macedonia, Kosovo and the Netherlands will join forces to create magic that will touch all of you.

New students, new bands, new songs and a lot of fun is what we expect at the summer school, and the culmination will be the summer concert in Havana on August 26.

Stay Tuned!